In this year's ranking "Austria's Best Lawyers", which is published every year by the German Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers, a total of 8 KWR partners are listed as the best in their field in 12 categories.
Here is an overview of the respective mentions:
- Arbitration: Thomas Frad und Georg Karasek
- Construction: Thomas Frad und Georg Karasek
- Corporate Law: Thomas Frad, Gerold Wietrzyk und Jörg Zehetner
- Energy: Thomas Rabl
- Insolvency: Gerold Wietrzyk
- Intellectual Property: Barbara Kuchar
- Employment Law: Anna Mertinz
- Dispute Resolution: Thomas Frad und Georg Karasek
- Public Procurement: Katharina Trettnak-Hahnl
- Real Estate: Georg Karasek
- Tax Law: Gerold Wietrzyk
- Vermögensplanung: Gerold Wietrzyk
We are very proud that the expertise of our lawyers is highly regarded both nationally and internationally and that we are regularly recognized in a wide range of rankings.