KWR Karasek Wietrzyk Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Fleischmarkt 1, 3.OG
A-1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 245 00-0
Fax: +43 (0) 1 245 00-63999
FN 246828 h Handelsgericht Wien
Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien
RAO, RL-BA, abrufbar unter
UID ATU 57997305
Concept and Design
- The San Marco
- Typoheads GmbH
- Pohlgasse 28/22
A-1120 Wien - E-Mail:
- Online:
Information pursuant to Section 5 of the E-Commerce Act and Section 25(1) et seq. of the Media Act: The object of the company is the practice of law, including the necessary ancillary activities and the administration of the company's assets pursuant to Section 21c(6) of the RAO.
Managing Partner: Mag. Clemens M. Berlakovits, Dr. Thomas Frad, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Haberer, Dr. Georg Karasek, Dr. Anna Mertinz, Dr. Thomas Rabl, Dr. Paul Schmidinger, Dr. Katharina Trettnak-Hahnl, Dr. Vinzenz Waldhof, Dr. Gerold Wietrzyk, Hon.-Prof. DDr. Jörg Zehetner.
Disclosure pursuant to Section 25 (4) of the Austrian Media Act: This website and the KWR newsletter are communication media and are aimed at clients and other persons interested in legal issues. The topic is the presentation of KWR Karasek Wietrzyk Rechtsanwälte GmbH as well as information on current legal issues.
The lobbying activities of organs or employees of this company are subject to a code of conduct as defined in § 7 LobbyG. The Code of Conduct will be handed out to any interested person upon request.
All contents of this website are protected by copyright and are intended for personal use only. Any use of the contents of this website contrary to the provisions of copyright law without the express prior consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.
The logos and photos displayed on this website are the property of KWR Karasek Wietrzyk Rechtsanwälte GmbH. The photos on this website were produced by Foto Wilke.