New edi­tion ÖNORM B 2110

On the occa­sion of the new version of ÖNORM B 2110 on 1 May 2023, the 4th edition of the comment­ary for private build­ing law has been completely…

On the occa­sion of the new version of ÖNORM B 2110 on 1 May 2023, the 4th edition of the comment­ary for private build­ing law has been completely revised and restruc­tured.

  • Comprehensive comparison of ÖNORM B 2110 with ABGB law.
  • Completely revised chapter on the right to change performance, on the assumption of risk in a contract for work and services under the ABGB, on calculation errors and on management without an order.
  • Newly added chapter on out-of-court dispute resolution.
  • Controversial issues relating to the duty to warn are dealt with in detail and then commented on.
  • Numerous examples from case law provide a comprehensive overview of the legal situation.

Extens­ive liter­at­ure lists leave no ques­tions unanswered.

KWR part­ner Georg Karasek has been respons­ible for this public­a­tion for 20 years and we are very proud that the 4th edition has now been published by MANZ Verlag.

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