On the occasion of the new version of ÖNORM B 2110 on 1 May 2023, the 4th edition of the commentary for private building law has been completely revised and restructured.
- Comprehensive comparison of ÖNORM B 2110 with ABGB law.
- Completely revised chapter on the right to change performance, on the assumption of risk in a contract for work and services under the ABGB, on calculation errors and on management without an order.
- Newly added chapter on out-of-court dispute resolution.
- Controversial issues relating to the duty to warn are dealt with in detail and then commented on.
- Numerous examples from case law provide a comprehensive overview of the legal situation.
Extensive literature lists leave no questions unanswered.
KWR partner Georg Karasek has been responsible for this publication for 20 years and we are very proud that the 4th edition has now been published by MANZ Verlag.