On the night of 11/12 May 2022, the Heinz Krejci Library was officially opened on the premises of the KWR law firm.
KWR partner Hon. Prof. Jörg Zehetner, whose career in law started when he was an assistant to Heinz Krejci, said: "It is a great pleasure and honour for us to give a new home here on our premises to the private academic library of Heinz Krejci (1941 - 2017) - no less than 180 linear metres of books. This is particularly pertinent because KWR had many ties with Heinz Krejci: Georg Karasek was a friend of his for many decades. Thomas Haberer and I were his assistants. Thomas Haberer also collaborated with him as the editor of the Manual on legislation governing corporate groups (Konzernrechts-Handbuch, Manz) and it is my privilege to continue with his textbook on private law (Manz), which has always fascinated me for its conciseness and clear language."
The long-term preservation of the extensive private academic library of Prof. Dr. Heinz Krejci (1941-2017) is intended to honour the memory of one of Austria's great legal scholars, who had a lasting influence on generations of lawyers, and to pay tribute to his life's work. Heinz Krejci's academic work includes over 250 publications. The former head of the Department of Corporate and Commercial Laws at the University of Vienna is also considered the father of the major reform of commercial law and modern association law. We also owe the reform of legislation governing civil-law partnerships to him.
KWR partner Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Haberer: "Heinz Krejci influenced me from the beginning of my studies to my habilitation and beyond. We are very happy to be able to take over his private library, which is probably unique in Austria, and to continue and use it in Heinz Krejci's spirit."
After the opening, celebrations continued on to 12 May to mark the birthday of Prof. Dr. Heinz Krejci, with his family and about 80 friends and companions attending.
Guests included Professors Josef Aicher, Erwin Bernat, Markus Dellinger, Bernd Christian Funk, Rainer van Husen, Rudolf Welser, the Secretary General of the Austrian Chamber of Civil-Law Notaries, Christian Sonnweber, the Deputy Director and current head of the Federal Competition Authority (BWB) Natalie Harsdorf-Borsch, Federal Cartel Prosecutor Heinz Ludwig Majer, Sonja Bydlinski, representatives of the judiciary Wilma Dehn (Supreme Court) and Kurt Seeliger (Vice-President of the Vienna Higher Regional Court), Stephan Korinek (Financial Market Authority/FMA), Hemma Korinek and Christian Giendl (Manz publishers), Barbara Raimann (Verlag Österreich publishers), tax advisors Gerhard Altenberger, Hans Hammerschmid, Gerhard Schusser and Astrid Schwödt, the Managing Director of the Academy of Tax Advisors and CPAs Gerhard Stangl, numerous lawyers (including Kathrin Hornbanger and Lukas Fantur) as well as Ursula Krejci with her sons Wolfgang and Georg as well as her granddaughters.