KWR achieves bronze rank at Eco­Vadis

The topic of sustain­ab­il­ity is very import­ant to KWR and for this reason we have intens­i­fied our activ­it­ies in this area this year.
In this context,…

The topic of sustain­ab­il­ity is very import­ant to KWR and for this reason we have intens­i­fied our activ­it­ies in this area this year.

In this context, it is a partic­u­lar pleas­ure for us that we were able to achieve bronze rank in EcoVadis.

EcoVadis has become the world's largest and most reli­able provider of corpor­ate sustain­ab­il­ity ratings and has built up an inter­na­tional network of more than 100,000 rated compan­ies.

EcoVadis aims to provide reli­able, glob­ally recog­nised sustain­ab­il­ity ratings and insights that enable all compan­ies to reduce risk, drive improve­ment and accel­er­ate posit­ive impacts on the planet and soci­ety.

The meth­od­o­logy is based on inter­na­tional stand­ards for sustain­ab­il­ity, includ­ing Global Report­ing Initi­at­ive, United Nations Global Compact as well as ISO 26000, and takes into account over 200 purchas­ing categor­ies and more than 175 coun­tries. The sustain­ab­il­ity score­card presents perform­ance in 21 indic­at­ors and four themes: Envir­on­ment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustain­able Procure­ment.

However, we did not only focus on the EcoVadis assess­ment, but addi­tion­ally took further steps or planned activ­it­ies to do even more in this area and make KWR a "green law firm". For example, this year's lawyers' retreat was dedic­ated to the topic of "sustain­ab­il­ity" and vari­ous internal work­ing groups were formed.

We are aware that we bear respons­ib­il­ity for future gener­a­tions and we want to live up to this respons­ib­il­ity.

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