At the beginning of May, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy presented a draft revision of the Work from Home Package issued in April 2021. The draft provides for the term "home office" to be replaced by the term "telework".
The applicability of the statutory regulations should therefore no longer be limited to work in one's own home, or the home of a close relative or partner.
The draft version of Section 2h of the Employment Contract Adjustment Act (AVRAG) provides the following definition of telework: "Telework is defined as an employee regularly performing work, in particular using the required information and communication technologies, from his/her home or a location chosen by the employee him/herself which does not belong to the employer".
Accident insurance cover is extended to the effect that accidents occurring in places where telework is carried out are now also considered accidents at work (Section 175 (1a) of the General Social Insurance Act/ASVG).
The new draft law was under review until recently. The review period ended on 21 May 2024 and we will keep you updated of developments.