ReO - The new pre-insolvency restructuring procedure
The new Restructuring Regulation (ReO) came into force on 17 July 2021. It offers financially distressed companies the possibility of early restructuring within the framework of a pre-insolvency restructuring procedure.
In this (free) webinar, you will receive an overview of the new regulation and an initial assessment by our experts on the practical suitability of the restructuring regulation, including tips on what to look out for in restructuring proceedings.
The following questions will be answered in our webinar:
- When can an application for the initiation of restructuring proceedings be filed and how must this application be structured?
- When is the debtor entitled to self-administration and in which cases can/must a restructuring representative be appointed?
- When should a stay of execution be applied for and what are the consequences in this context?
- What must be the content of the restructuring plan?
- Which creditors/creditor classes are affected by restructuring proceedings?
- What are the requirements for the acceptance/confirmation of a restructuring plan?
- What are the effects of the restructuring procedure and what special procedural variants are there?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of the new restructuring procedure and has a practicable alternative been created?
- What practical experience has been gained from the implementation of the EU Restructuring Directive in Germany with the StaRUG, which already took place at the beginning of 2021?
Speakers: Thomas Haselberger (KWR) sowie Hermann Knott und Patricia Almeida (beide von Kunz Rechtsanwälte)
Date: 29.09.2021
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
RECORDING (in German)